ANSI B16.25
Nominal Pipe Size 3~ 4~ 5~ 6~ 8~ 10~ 12~ 14~ 16~
A-inches 3.59 4.62 5.69 6.78 8.78 10.94 12.97 14.25 16.25
Nominal Pipe Size 18~ 20~ 24~ 26~ 28~ 30~ 32~ 34~ 36~
A-inches 18.28 20.31 24.38 26.38 28.38 30.38 32.50 34.50 36.50

~Class 150 and 300 valvess 12-inch and smaller are regularly mechined as shown in two upper illustrations.Unless other wise specified,ends are bored to match schedule 40 pipe in valvess 10-inch and smaller and standard wall pipe(0.37~thick) in 12-inch valvess.
~Orders for Class 150 and 300 butt-welding valvess 14-inch and larger.And for Class 400 and higher valvess in all sizes,Must specify the inside diameter of the pipe with which the valvess will be used,and the type of backing ring required.Ohter types of weld end preparation can be furnished when specified.

A=Outside Diameter(Cast Steel valvess) ~~~~~~~~B=Nominal Inside Diameter of pipe
C=B+0.25t-0.041~ t=Nominal Pipe Wall Thickness
C=B+0.25t-0.041~ 0.09=3/32~0.75=3/4~ 0.12=1/8~0.88=7/8


ANSI CLASS 150/300Lb


1.NPS 24~and smaller by ANSI B16.5,NPS 26 and larger by MSS SP-44.
2.Class 150 and Class 300 flange lowest thickness included 0.06 inch convexity.

Flanged ends dimensionsClass 150Lb
NPS DN D D1 D2 b d Stub Bolt Bolt Length
inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm Num Diam. RF R&G
2 50 6.00 150 4.57 120.5 3.62 92 0.75 19.5 0.75 18 4 5/8 3.25 3.75
2-1/2 65 7.00 180 5.50 139.5 4.12 105 0.88 22.5 0.75 18 4 5/8 3.50 4.00
3 80 7.50 190 6.00 152.5 5.00 127 0.94 24 0.75 18 4 5/8 3.50 4.00
4 100 9.00 230 7.50 190.5 6.19 157.5 0.94 24 0.75 18 8 5/8 3.50 4.00
6 150 11.00 280 9.50 241.5 8.50 216 1.00 25.5 0.88 22 8 3/4 4.00 4.50
8 200 13.50 345 11.75 298.5 10.62 270 1.12 29 0.88 22 8 3/4 4.25 4.75
10 250 16.00 405 14.25 362 12.75 324 1.19 30.5 1.00 26 12 7/8 4.50 5.00
12 300 19.00 485 17.00 432 15.00 381 1.25 32 1.00 26 12 7/8 4.75 5.25
14 350 21.00 535 18.75 476 16.25 413 1.38 35 1.12 29.5 12 1 5.25 5.75
16 400 23.50 600 21.25 540 18.50 470 1.44 37 1.12 29.5 16 1 5.25 5.75
18 450 25.00 635 22.75 578 21.00 533.5 1.56 40 1.25 32.5 16 1-1/8 5.75 6.25
20 500 27.50 700 25.00 635 23.00 584 1.69 43 1.25 32.5 20 1-1/8 6.25 6.75
24 550 32.00 815 29.50 749.5 27.25 692 1.88 48 1.38 35.5 20 1-1/4 6.75 7.25
26 600 34.25 870 31.75 806.5 29.50 749 2.69 68 1.38 35.5 24 1-1/4 - -
28 650 36.50 927 34.00 864 31.50 800 2.81 72 1.38 35.5 28 1-1/4 - -
30 700 38.75 985 36.00 915 33.75 857 2.94 75 1.38 35.5 28 1-1/4 - -
32 750 41.75 1060 38.50 978 36.00 915 3.18 81 1.62 41 28 1-1/2 - -
34 800 43.75 1112 40.50 1029 38.00 965 3.25 83 1.62 41 32 1-1/2 - -
36 850 46.00 1168 42.75 1086 40.25 1022 3.44 88 1.62 41 32 1-1/2 - -

Flanged ends dimensions~~~~Class 300Lb
NPS DN D D1 D2 b d Stub Bolt Bolt Length
inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm Num Diam. RF R&G
2 50 6.50 165 5.00 127 3.62 92 0.88 22.5 0.75 18 8 5/8 3.50 4.00
2-1/2 65 7.50 190 5.88 149 4.12 105 1.00 25.5 0.88 22 8 3/4 4.00 4.50
3 80 8.25 210 6.62 168.5 5.00 127 1.12 29 0.88 22 8 3/4 4.25 4.75
4 100 10.00 255 7.88 200 6.19 157.5 1.25 32 0.88 22 8 3/4 4.50 5.00
6 150 12.50 320 10.62 270 8.50 216 1.44 37 0.88 22 12 3/4 4.75 5.50
8 200 15.00 380 13.00 330 10.62 270 1.62 41.5 1.00 26 12 7/8 5.50 6.00
10 250 17.50 445 15.25 387.5 12.75 324 1.88 48 1.12 29.5 16 1 6.25 6.75
12 300 20.50 520 17.75 451 15.00 381 2.00 51 1.25 32.5 16 1-1/8 6.75 7.25
14 350 23.00 585 20.25 514.5 16.25 413 2.12 54 1.25 32.5 20 1-1/8 7.00 7.50
16 400 25.50 650 22.50 571.5 18.50 470 2.25 57.5 1.38 32.5 20 1-1/4 7.50 8.00
18 450 28.00 710 24.75 628.5 21.00 533.5 2.38 60.5 1.38 32.5 24 1-1/4 7.75 8.25
20 500 30.50 775 27.00 686 23.00 584 2.50 63.5 1.38 32.5 24 1-1/4 8.00 8.75
24 550 36.00 915 32.00 813 27.25 692 2.75 70 1.62 42 24 1-1/2 90.00 10.0
26 600 38.25 972 34.50 876 29.50 749 3.12 79.5 1.75 44.5 28 1-5/8 - -
28 650 40.75 1035 37.00 940 31.50 800 3.38 86 1.75 44.5 28 1-5/8 - -
30 700 43.00 1092 39.25 997 33.75 857 3.62 92 1.88 48 28 1-3/4 - -
32 750 45.25 1150 41.50 1054 36.00 915 3.88 98.5 2.00 51 28 1-7/8 - -
34 800 47.50 1207 43.50 1105 38.00 965 4.00 102 2.00 51 28 1-7/8 - -
36 850 50.00 1270 46.00 1169 40.25 1022 4.12 105 2.12 54 32 2 - -

ANSI CLASS 600/900Lb

1.NPS 24~and smaller by ANSI B16.5,NPS 26 and larger by MSS SP-44.
2.Class 600 and Class 900 flange lowest thickness barring 0.25 inch convexity.

Flanged ends dimensions~~~~Class 600Lb
NPS DN D D1 D2 b d Stub Bolt Bolt Length
inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm Num Diam. RF R&G
2 50 6.50 165 5.00 127 3.62 92 1.00 25.5 0.75 18 8 5/8 4.25 4.25
2-1/2 65 7.50 190 5.88 149 4.12 105 1.12 29 0.88 22 8 3/4 4.75 4.75
3 80 8.25 210 6.62 168.5 5.00 127 1.25 32 0.88 22 8 3/4 5.00 5.00
4 100 10.75 275 8.50 216 6.19 157.5 1.50 38.5 1.00 26 8 7/8 5.75 5.75
6 150 14.00 355 11.50 292 8.50 216 1.88 48 1.12 29.5 12 1 6.75 6.75
8 200 16.50 420 13.75 349 10.62 270 2.19 55.5 1.25 32.5 12 1-1/8 7.50 7.75
10 250 20.00 510 17.00 432 12.75 324 2.50 63.5 1.38 35.5 16 1-1/4 8.50 8.50
12 300 22.00 560 19.25 489 15.00 381 2.62 67 1.38 35.5 20 1-1/4 8.75 8.75
14 350 23.75 605 20.75 527 16.25 413 2.75 70 1.50 39 20 1-3/8 9.25 9.25
16 400 27.00 685 23.75 603 18.50 470 3.00 76.5 1.62 42 20 1-1/2 10.0 10.0
18 450 29.25 745 25.75 654 21.00 533.5 3.25 83 1.75 45 20 1-5/8 11.0 11.0
20 500 32.00 815 28.50 724 23.00 584 3.50 89 1.75 45 24 1-5/8 11.5 11.5
24 550 37.00 940 33.00 838 27.25 692 4.00 102 2.00 51 24 1-7/8 13.0 13.5
26 600 40.00 1016 36.00 915 29.50 749 4.25 108 2.00 51 28 1-7/8 - -
28 650 42.25 1073 38.00 965 31.50 800 4.38 111 2.12 54 28 2 - -
30 700 44.50 1130 40.25 1022 33.75 857 4.50 114 2.12 54 28 2 - -
32 750 47.50 1194 42.50 1080 36.00 915 4.62 117 2.38 61 28 2-1/4 - -
34 800 49.00 1245 44.50 1130 38.00 965 4.77 121 2.38 61 28 2-1/4 - -
36 850 51.75 1315 47.00 1194 40.25 1022 4.88 124 2.62 67 28 2-1/2 - -

Flanged ends dimensions~~~~Class 900Lb
NPS DN D D1 D2 b d Stub Bolt Bolt Length
inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm Num Diam. RF R&G
2 50 8.50 215 6.50 165 3.62 92 1.50 38.5 1.00 26 8 7/8 5.75 5.75
2-1/2 65 9.62 245 7.50 190.5 4.12 105 1.62 41.5 1.12 29.5 8 1 6.25 6.25
3 80 9.50 240 7.50 190.5 5.00 127 1.50 38.5 1.00 26 8 7/8 5.75 5.75
4 100 11.50 290 9.25 235 6.19 157.5 1.75 44.5 1.25 32.5 8 1-1/8 6.75 6.75
6 150 15.50 380 12.50 317.5 8.50 216 2.19 56 1.25 32.5 12 1-1/8 7.50 7.50
8 200 18.50 470 15.50 393.5 10.62 270 2.50 63.5 1.50 39 12 1-3/8 8.75 8.75
10 250 21.50 545 18.50 470 12.75 324 2.75 70 1.50 39 16 1-3/8 9.25 9.25
12 300 24.00 610 21.00 533.5 15.00 381 3.12 79.5 1.50 39 20 1-3/8 10.0 10.0
14 350 25.25 640 22.00 559 16.25 413 3.38 86 1.62 42 20 1-1/2 11.0 11.0
16 400 27.75 705 24.25 616 18.50 470 3.50 89 1.75 45 20 1-5/8 11.5 11.5
18 450 31.00 785 27.00 686 21.00 533.5 4.00 102 2.00 51 20 1-7/8 13.0 13.5
20 500 33.75 855 29.50 749.5 23.00 584 4.25 108 2.12 55 20 2 14.0 14.5
24 550 41.00 1040 35.50 901.5 27.25 692 5.50 140 2.62 68 20 1-1/2 17.5 18.0
